To set up SMS Notification using the Twilio system you can follow the steps provided.
Before starting this setup, you need to make sure you have registered a Twilio account and set up the SMS message that you want to send to your customers.
Twilio information collection
1. Log in to your Twilio account
2. In the Twilio dashboard you need to find information:
Account SID
Auth token
Twilio number ( If you do not have this information, you can get this Twilio number by clicking on the Get number button )
**All three of this information you need to save for use in the next step.
Setup in Commerce
1. Log in to your Commerce account
2. Click on the Settings tab
3. Click on the SMS providers tab
4. Click the Activate button on the Twilio tab
5. Enter all three pieces of information that you have saved in the space provided. (For the Prefix column you can leave it blank). You also need to make sure you have clicked Enable Twilio (Make sure it is blue).
6. Once done you can click Save
Once done you can try to make a purchase on your website and see the results for yourself.
Last updated