
This setup consists of 3 parts, namely:

This feature is available for Premium and Ultimate plans.

  • Part 1: On the Delyva platform

  • Part 2: On the Commerce platform

  • Part 3: How to fulfill an order

Part 1: Setting up Delyva

Please ensure that you already have a Delyva account.

Click here to register for Delyva. Delyva registration is free.

  1. Please log in to your Delyva account.

2. In the Dashboard, click on your Name in the top right corner.

  1. Click on the Settings tab.

3. Click on the API Integrations tab.

  1. On the API Integrations page, you can obtain all three keys required to integrate with the Commerce system.

1 : Company ID

1. In the API Integrations page, you can find your Company ID value. You can refer to the display below:

2 : Customer ID

1. On the API Integrations page, you can find your Customer ID value. You can refer to the display below:

3 : API Key

1. On the API Integrations page, you can click the "Add new key" button.

2. Then a pop-up will appear for you to enter a name for your API key.

You can just enter any name that you prefer as your reference.

3. Once done, you can click on the "Create & View" button.

4.There will be a display showing your API key.

5.You can click on the Copy button to copy the API key and paste it into the Commerce system.

6. Once you have entered or saved the API key, you can click Done.

Part 2: Setup in Commerce

1. Log in to your Commerce Dashboard, then navigate to Settings > Shipping Providers.

  1. Click on the Activate/Edit button on the Delyva Shipping Provider section.

  1. Enter the Company ID, Customer ID, and API key that you obtained in the Setup step of Part 1.

  1. Once you have entered all the information, click on the Save button. Please refer to the image below.

Make sure to check the Enable Delyva (Matdespatch) box by clicking on it.

Now your Commerce platform is ready to be connected with the Delyva platform.

Make sure your account has enough credit to use the Delyva system.

Part 3: How to Fulfill an Order

Guide to setting up order management in the Commerce platform to generate an Airway Bill on Delyva without needing to log in.

  1. Log in to the Commerce Dashboard and click on Orders in the left panel.

  1. Select and click on the order that was made for delivery using Delyva and the display will appear as below. Click on the 'Arrange Shipment' button.

  1. Click the blue 'Create Shipment' button in the upper right corner. Click on 'Select Shipment Provider' and choose Delyva.

4. Click on 'Choose Services'. Click on any courier service you want to use. The price has been determined according to the address provided in the order.

5.Next, click on 'Method' and choose 'Dropoff' or 'Pickup'.

Method :

  • Dropoff - You will personally go to the nearby post office and send the item.

  • Pickup - The courier will send a vehicle to pick up the item at the location specified in your Location settings

Note: If you are using Cash On Delivery (COD) delivery, make sure you have selected the COD service type and turned on the 'Enable COD' toggle.

Usually, the Pickup method will be selected to make it easier for sellers.

  1. When the Pickup method is selected, a schedule will be displayed for choosing the date of pickup by the courier. Click on the desired date and then click the 'Submit' button. Refer to the image below.

  1. After clicking the 'Submit' button, your order will automatically receive a tracking number as shown in the image below.

An Airway Bill (AWB) for this order has been automatically generated, and you only need to print the AWB from the Delyva platform.

  1. After completing the 'Add Shipment' process, check the Delyva Dashboard to ensure that the information that appears is the same.

  1. Update the tracking information to the customer after the courier has picked up the item. Click on that order, and the display will be as shown in the image below. Next, click on 'Add Tracking'.

  1. Click on 'Carrier' and select the name of the Carrier(1) for that order, which was set during the Add Shipment process. Click the 'Save' button(2).

  1. When the 'Save' button is pressed, your customers will automatically receive their tracking number via email from the Commerce system. This tracking number will also appear on the right side of your order when it is saved.

  1. You can also check the orders list to see that the tracking number has been assigned to that order.

Click on the 'i' icon in the Fulfillment to check the tracking number for that order.

  1. To print the Airwaybill (AWB), you need to log in to your Delyva account and click on the printer icon to print the AWB.

  1. Click on the print icon to print this Airwaybill (AWB) and display it on your parcel.

Last updated