
Click on the following link to register for Bizappay for free

  • Registration of an individual Bizappay account does not require SSM but require a current bank account.

  • Registration of a company account requires SSM.

  • You can use a personal account and continue making sales immediately.

Account verification, fees, and transactional funds, they are fully managed by Bizappay.

After registering a Bizzappay account make sure you have verified your account to ensure there are no issues during the usage process.

Create Bizappay Category Code

1. Register and log in to your Bizappay account first.

2. Click on the green Category button.

3. Next click the New Category button

A Pop up will appear to fill in the information

4. Fill in the name of your product category in the Category Name field. This field is free, you can also put your own brand name.

In the Category Description field, enter only a little information about the product you are selling.

5. Next click the Create button.

6. Next in the Category Code section you will see a random combination of numbers and letters. Save the newly created Category Code

Enter the category code in the Commerce setting

1. Log in to your Commerce account -> Settings -> Payment Options -> Edit on the Bizappay section

2. Enter the code you have saved earlier in the Category Code field

Obtain Bizappay API key

1. In the Bizappay dashboard you click on the Settings button

2. Again in the API Key section you will see random numbers and letters below it. Save the API key

Enter the API key in the Commerce settings

1. Log back in to the Commerce dashboard -> Settings -> Payment Options -> Edit on Bizappay section

2. Enter the API Key that was saved earlier in the API key field

If you want to perform a real transaction, kindly deactivate the Test Mode toggle

*Make sure the Enable Bizappay box is checked.

3. Next, click the Save button

Now your Bizappay setup process is complete.

Additional Information

**Attention: Please TURN OFF the RM 1 service fee on the Bizappay platform.


Last updated