
In Commerce, you have access to change the email template for your own store notifications. Among the email templates you can change are:

  1. Order Confirmation

  2. Order Shipped

  3. Files ready for download

  4. Order status changed

  5. Checkout Abandoned (Available for Premium and Ultimate plan only)

  6. Order ready to pickup (Available for Ultimate plan only)

  7. Order review

  8. Order packed

Notifications Parameter

Changes to the email template can be done if you do have skills in HTML/CSS coding.

To access the email section of the template, you can go to:

1. Dashboard Commerce

2. Click Settings

3. Click Notifications

4. Click Edit on any email for which you want to change their template

5. Next you will be able to see the display for you to change the email template for the Order Confirmation notification.

You can make changes to the Email body (HTML) to change the layout/styling of your email template by using HTML/CSS coding

6. Once you have made the changes you want you can click Save

If you want to Preview the changes you have made, you can click Preview

After you click the Preview button, you will be able to see the email display that will be visible to your customers later

Additional info

For older Commerce users, you will need to make additional settings on your Email notifications to ensure you get the latest email notifications templates.

1. On your email settings, you can click the More button

2. Next you can select the Restore to default button

This setting, allows you to get the latest email templates from us.

Last updated