Archived Orders

What are Archived Orders?

  1. Archived orders or Archive Orders are orders that have been completed and closed by the seller without the need to delete the orders.

  2. The purpose of Archived Orders is to archive received orders such as orders with incorrect information from displayed on the All section display.

  3. Archiving an order on a website or online shopping app is different than just deleting the order.

  4. Archiving your order will not delete your order permanently, but only removes your order from the order view (All Orders) and will appear only when you search for it or view the archived order.

How to create an Archived Order in Commerce

1. Commerce Dashboard -> My Orders -> Select the Order you want to Archived

2. Click More -> Archive -> OK

Done. The order has been successfully entered into Archived and is no longer displayed in the All section of My orders.

Products that you have entered into Archived cannot be "unarchived" again.

Last updated