
Homepage Title

  1. To change the Homepage Title name, you can go to:

Dashboard Overview -> Online Stores -> Preferences -> Homepage Title.

  1. After making the changes, make sure to click the Save button and check if the changes have taken effect on your website. You can refer to the image below.

Homepage Display

To set up Homepage Display, please refer to the tutorial below:

Set page as Homepage

To set up Featured Category, please refer to the tutorial below:

Featured Category

Facebook Pixel

To set up Facebook Pixel, please refer to the tutorial below:

Facebook Pixel

Tiktok Pixel

To set up Tiktok Pixel, please refer to the tutorial below:

TikTok Pixel

Google Analytics

To set up Google Analytics, please refer to the tutorial below:

Google Analytics

Google Ads

To set up Google Ads, please refer to the tutorial below:

Google Ads

Google Tag Manager

To set up Google Tag Manager, please refer to the tutorial below:

Google Tag Manager

Recent Sales JSON

To set up Social Proof Notifications, please refer to the tutorial below:

Social Proof Notifications

Maintenance Mode

To set up Maintenance Mode, please refer to the tutorial below:

Maintenance mode

Last updated