Social Proof Notifications

What is Social Proof Notifications

Social proof Pop-up is a feature of Commerce for Standard, Premium and Ultimate account users only.

This sales pop-up will only appear when there is a purchase from a customer on the Commerce website.

Refer to the example for an overview of pop-up sales.

  • Notice at the bottom of the page above the "Daftar sekarang" button which is orange there is buyer information.

  • The purpose of this Social proof is to increase the confidence of buyers to make decisions when looking at the products you offer.

  • All this information is automatically generated, no need for time setting, product name, and others.

  • Just need to turn on these features.

Setup Social Proof

Enable Recent Sales JSON

1. Log in to the Commerce Dashboard and go to Online Store -> Preferences

2. Make sure you enable the Recent Sales JSON function and click Save

Enable Recent Sales Popup

1. Log in to the Commerce Dashboard and go to the Online store

2. Click on the Customize button

3. Click on the Recent sales popup

4. Tick ​​Yes on Recent sales notifications and click Save

Set Specific Name And Location.

To set the customer name specifically or according to your wishes. You can follow the tutorial below.

  1. In the Online Store -> Customize -> Recent Sales Json section. Enter the name you want to appear on your store and click Save

2 .Log in to the Online Store -> Preferences -> Name. Set as Anonymous and Save.

**Note: If you want your customer's name to be displayed on the Popup display, you can choose Full Name in that field.

3. If necessary, you can set a location for each customer who buys at your store. For example, locations are selected based on City, state, and country.

Then the display on your store will appear like this.

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